How to talk
Intro to preparing a talk for a meetup v1.0
@naugtur 2017
#### Can you say something?
#### Great!
#### You can talk
#### We're almost done
### Sharing is growing
* when you speak about something you know, you explore it better for yourself
* other people **will** tell you something interesting about it
* best ideas come from discussions
* it does stuff to your career :)
* only way to fight the fear of public speaking is to try
##### People are nice and they want to hear you
There's nothing to worry about. There's no difference between talking to 10 or 100 of them.
##### When speaking, tell a story

### Story?
What if it's technical knowledge, not a story?
Well, I mean tell something that:
* has a beginnging
* is complete
* is your own experience
* is about you or about something
* Raise awareness, inspire
* Teach people something they can't google faster
* Tell people something they were not aware about
* Share your experience
### Prepare some visuals
1. So that you don't forget what's next
2. So that they can remember or go back to it
3. Some things are easier to type than say
4. You need to put links somewhere
### Don't think in powerpoint
Never start with creating a ppt or keynote file.
* Make notes on real paper.
* You can do with 10 tabs in the browser.
* You can scroll a document.
### Never read from the slides
It makes you redundant
### Live demos are great
If people don't have to listen to you type in total silence.
### Always cheat when live coding

* git commits for steps
* tabs with results already loaded
* a file with all commands you'll use
### Time it
Don't practice. You're not on a TED stage.
Just try it once out loud to see if it's not 3 times longer than you thought.
## Make your own rules
It's good to be different. Just make sure you know how to do the normal thing first.