a dev dependency of yours
#### You think you won't run it?
"postinstall": "echo 💩 > /etc/hosts"
## Well, 💩
### Need a demo?
### Ok, wait
npm ci
cp node_modules s3://
### Hold my 🍺
#### I was into JS security before I knew JS or security
My first 5 lines of JavaScript ever
function kill(){
breaks Windows pre XP SP2
But I prefer fixing
# Let's fix this mess
## --ignore-scripts
npm ci --ignore-scripts
yarn --ignore-scripts
And that's it?
### Almost...
## 😅
#### Does your app still work?
#### Yeah. Some scripts are there for a reason
#### Run selected scritps
npm CLI has an option to do that
npm rebuild bcrypt bignum
For more control (and yarn support)
use allow-scripts
npm install -D @lavamoat/allow-scripts
If you know what MetaMask is and you are a developer, check out Snaps!
### more control
- setup helper
- stops if setup broken

### That's great.
Now I **"just"** need to look through all my dependencies and create an allow list
There's an app for that
Call to arms!
Please open PRs to data.json
### Need to convince others?
### I've got you covered!
npm install -D @naugtur/pentest-my-ci
It will break your build and print a scary but informative message 😂
### My recommendation
cp remote/package*.json ./
npm ci --production --ignore-scripts
npm run allow-scripts
cache_save: node_modules
✨🐋 (cache_get: node_modules)
git checkout
npm run build
cache_save: dist
✨🐋 (cache_get: dist)
git checkout
npm publish // or deploy
#### Watch lavamoat organization
#### for
### a reusable workflow
#### installing packages safely